
This is where most tech savvy people create groups every day.

**Download Telegram App** and join us in the CV19 Legal Measures Channel.

Telegram offers good encryption, sticker sets can be deleted, messages edited/removed and well, groups can contain more than 1000 people if we grow really big. It can be downloaded as an app on the phone or as a desktop app.

Our group is called CV19 Legal Measures and you can join us here.


Mail is not yet outdated.

Once you apply as an Ambassador, you'll be notified about the progress of the entries. As we're using Mailchimp to notify everyone and keep you posted, you can opt-out easily at any given moment.


Sometimes calls are much better.

For those things that cannot simply be written or demand a discussion, we'll host Zoom calls. On-boarding to Notion, tracking our progress and deciding what changes we ought to make so our work becomes more vigorous. These are the topics we might want to discus "face-to-face" on a virtual call.